September traditionally is a busy month for FICIL – Sentiment Index interviews are in a full swing, the members of FICIL work groups in their opening meetings are setting ambitious targets for the season. Read more about these activities and many more in the latest FICIL office report.

Update on FICIL Sentiment Index 2017

First of all, our thanks and appreciation to everyone who participates in the FICIL Sentiment Index – we very much value your time and availability and we do believe the findings this year again will be an important contribution towards a better business and investment climate in Latvia! The interviewing process will be finished by mid-October when the analytical stage of the production will begin. Main findings should be available by December. We are planning to present the results to a wider public and launch the Sentiment Index at the end of this year or beginning of the next year. We will keep you informed.

FICIL Members Meeting

It was a pleasure to see so many of you present at the September FICIL Member meeting that was devoted mostly to Tax reform and its implications: we hope you enjoyed the presentation (PDF) as well the discussions and networking opportunity. You will find some photos from the meeting in our gallery. We are planning to have the next Member meeting in November – we will follow up with more detail shortly.

Updates from FICIL Work Groups

 In September, some of FICIL work groups met for the first time this season. Please see some more information below.

Economic and Financial Crime Issues Work Group

On 8 September, the first meeting of the former Insolvency issues work group took place. As already laid out by the last FICIL Position Paper on Combating Economic Crime (2017), it is understood that the Insolvency framework needs to be looked at more broadly in the context of other economic crimes. It was agreed that the work group from now on will be called FICIL Economic and Financial crime issues work group. The first meeting was devoted mostly to what FICIL would like to achieve in this area; work group members can still submit topics/ideas to These will go into specific action plan. Next meeting scheduled for 13 October at 15:00 venue: FICIL office.

Education work Group

The FICIL Education work group met on 13 September. Key topic of the meeting was transition to a competency based learning in schools that was presented by Zane Oliņa who leads the implementation of the project “Skola 2030”. Z.Oliņa stressed the importance of exchanging information about the future needs of businesses to reach efficiently the project goals. More information from the meeting here. The next work group meeting will take place on 21 November with representatives from Government institutions and Higher Education Institutions to discuss further the goals of the higher education system in Latvia. If you are a member of the Education w/g and would kindly like to host the next meeting, please let us know – it will be greatly appreciated!

Investment Protection and Court Efficiency Work Group

The work group met to discuss the progress since the last FICIL recommendations to the Government on Investment protection and court efficiency issues – the leader of the work group provided a detailed overview of the latest developments and activities in the area and how FICIL has contributed through various fora. The work group members discussed the priorities of the work group for the coming year. The next work group meeting is scheduled for 19 October at 16:00, venue: to be agreed.


We will announce the meetings of other work groups in due course. We are also active on Twitter – make sure you are following us!

If you missed the sign-up deadline for any of work groups please write to from FICIL Office.