Today, on November 20th, FICIL representatives met with the Minister of Economics, Viktors Valainis, and the new Director of LIAA, Ieva Jāgere! 

Key points discussed during the meeting:  

Introduction of LIAA’s new director and future collaboration – FICIL was pleased to meet with Ieva Jāgere and discuss how the planned reforms can enhance the business environment and boost investment attraction in Latvia. LIAA and FICIL plan to further define concrete steps to strengthen cooperation.  

 Human capital strategy – FICIL pointed out to the urgency of improving the quality, availability and accessibility of education and training in the country, emphasizing that the country’s competitiveness relies on its human capital! It is unfortunate that the human capital topics remain sidelined, given the demographic and migration trends, as well as, education and employability-related challenges.  

 Long-term economic strategy of Latvia – FICIL calls the Ministry of Economics to develop a clear, pragmatic and forward-looking economic strategy that would become the backbone of other government policies, including in the area of education, thereby stimulating better alignment of policy documents! This year, FICIL has devoted the High Council meeting to brainstorm on how the long-term economic strategy of the country could look like. For more information, please go here 

FICIL remains committed to working closely with LIAA and the Ministry of Economics to make Latvia an attractive destination for foreign investment!